Saturday, June 28, 2014


It's been brought to our attention that there have been some thefts in Remington Ranch over the last couple of weeks. According to there have been 3 petit larsony cases and 1 grand larsony case.  Remember to keep your eye on your surroundings when outside and look out for yourself and neighbors. When incidents occur, please email so a notice can be posted and emailed out to the community. This will help to put everyone on alert.

From the Greenville Police Department:
Auto Theft and Break-ins
Like most places, the city of Greenville is experiencing vehicle thefts and break-ins. In the United States, a vehicle is stolen every 21 seconds. Stolen cars, vans, trucks and motorcycles cost victims time and money and cause everyone’s insurance premiums to increase. Stolen vehicles are also often used to commit other crimes.
The Police Department is asking for your help in combating these criminals. Since many vehicle crimes result from criminals seeing opportunities and taking them, you can easily outsmart a car thief by following the simple advice given below. Remember, most car crimes can be prevented, so don't give criminals an easy ride.
Preventing Auto Break-Ins
  • Don't leave valuables in your car; This may sound like common sense, but drivers and/or passengers often leave items of value in plain view everyday.
  • If you must leave valuable items in your car while out and about, place them out of sight before reaching your destination or move them to an inconspicuous location.
  • If you can't take your valuables with you, at least ...lock the items out of sight, such as in your glove compartment or your trunk.
  • Lock everything of value in the trunk; Avoid leaving shopping bags or packages visible in your car.
  • Once at home, unload your valuables immediately
  • If your trunk can be opened from inside your car without a key, lock this feature if possible.
  • Leave no trace; Don't leave any sign that there are valuables out of sight in your vehicle, such as docking stations, connector cables, or suctions cup marks on the windshield or dashboard.
  • If you have an after-market stereo player with a removable faceplate, remove it.
  • Try to park in busy, well-lighted areas.
  • Lock all your vehicle doors even if you plan to be gone only a brief time.
  • Set an alarm or anti-theft device if you have one.
  • Never leave firearms in your parked vehicle. Be a responsible gun owner and keep your firearms properly safe and secured. 
  • If you must leave a firearm in your vehicle, you should purchase a vehicle safe and have it professionally mounted within the vehicle. Locked glove compartments and center consoles offer little protection from a determined thief. 
  • As a CWP holder, think ahead about your destination before leaving home. Would it be better to leave your carry pistol at home knowing your destination is a gun-free zone or establishment, rather than risk having it stolen when you have to leave it in your parked vehicle? 
Visit ( for additional information on how to prevent vehicle theft and break ins. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Is anyone missing a 4 legged friend? One has been found and is hanging out at 307 Plamondon. We'd love to help him get home to his two legged family members.

Please remember that even in door pets should wear a collar with an identification tag. On occasion these 4 legged friends take unplanned trips out and about the neighborhood. Having an identification tag on them can help others in the community assist the animals in getting home when they're lost. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

From the Advisory Committee

From the Remington Advisory Committee:

The RAC was given a charter at the annual meeting to work to clear up any outstanding issues and questions regarding the Remington Homeowners Association standings prior to the transition to a homeowner elected board. The committee met tonight, outside of the regular scheduled meetings, to discuss postponing the upcoming Special Meeting to elect the new HOA board. Five of the six candidates were in attendance. The committee and candidates were presented information which could impede an orderly and financially sound transition. We are working to ensure that there are not any legal or financial roadblocks leading into the transition.

All present agreed that delaying the transition is in the best interest of the Homeowners and a new HOA Board. You will receive a formal mailed notice of a new date and time [for the special meeting and election] when that has been determined.

Thank you for your patience and please know we are doing all we can to help to facilitate a smooth transition to a Homeowner elected Board.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Get out and VOTE!

We have a busy week of Elections coming up. Be sure and get out both times next week to get your voice heard by casting your vote! 

First chance to vote is on Tuesday, June 17th, at Christ Community Church. You will be voting for a person to represent you on the Greenville County Council for the rest of this year. The candidates are Lynn Ballard (R) and Wendell Rodgers (D) and the winner will take over the seat of Greenville Council District 26, the southern end of Greenville county, which is our district.

Your second chance to vote is at 6:30 pm, Thursday, June 19th. This will also be at Christ Community Church to elect three (3) residents who will be on our first resident controlled Homeowners Association Board of Directors for the remainder of this year. These three will be making decisions that will greatly affect our neighborhood in the future. The candidates are Jill Blondo (Remington), Victoria Colacino (Crossgate), Gary King (Remington), Debbie Klein (Crossgate), Bob Muller (Remington) and Ben Pettit (Remington). There may also be nominations from the floor at the meeting. The meeting should not last long since the only action item on the agenda is the election of three Board members. We must have 108 families represented to constitute a quorum, just to have the meeting. We have worked hard and long for a resident controlled HOA and your attendance is needed. Please try to be there.

Your vote does count!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Meet the Candidates

With the transition just around the corner, the current list of candidates have all shown interest in a meet and greet. The candidates who have been self-nominated to be a candidate for the incoming homeowner elected Board of Directors for Remington Ranch will be in the clubhouse on Wednesday, June 11th from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.

This is not a community meeting, but a drop-in.

This time IS to meet the candidates, ask them what their goals are for the community and to ask them any questions you might want to ask prior to casting your vote at the Transition Meeting later this month. This time IS NOT a time for you to vote or to hand in your proxy. Please note, there may be additional candidates nominated from the floor the night of the meeting.

Everyone should have received a notice in the mail on Monday listing out the candidates for our Home owner controlled HOA.  They are: 
Ben Petit                              
Bob Muller
Debbie Klein    
Gary King        
Jill Blondo            
Victoria Colacino

Stop by, meet the candidates, and ask the questions you may have. The questions below are a few I've heard mentioned by various home owners. 
How do they see the community in 5 years? in 10 years? 
What changes positive or negative would they like to see with the amenities? Clubhouse, pool, playground, fountain, exercise room, etc
Do they have any thoughts or plans for changes to the HOA rules? 
Do they have any thoughts or plans for the various committees in the community? 
How will they get along with the other possible elected board members? 

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Our communications in Remington Ranch have slowed down or in some cases come to a stand still. We're now attempting to revive our Communications network within the community and streamline how information is disseminated to everyone.

The best way to improve our community is for everyone to take part. Volunteer for a committee, attend community meetings, send in submissions or suggestions for newsletters, share information about special occasions (birthday's, anniversaries, births, deaths,etc). Everyone should have the chance to have their voice heard.

Towards this end, we're reviving the community blog, breathing life into the community Facebook page and streamlining how information gets shared.

Over the next few weeks, be on the lookout for some teenagers going door to door in the neighborhood. They'll be working on getting a short survey from each home to help gather data about our neighborhood and help improve our communications to find what works best for everyone. NO personal data will be gathered on these surveys and none will be returned with identifying information on them unless a homeowner specifically requests it on their own.

We're looking forward to a bigger and better Community as we streamline the communications.