Friday, June 13, 2014

Get out and VOTE!

We have a busy week of Elections coming up. Be sure and get out both times next week to get your voice heard by casting your vote! 

First chance to vote is on Tuesday, June 17th, at Christ Community Church. You will be voting for a person to represent you on the Greenville County Council for the rest of this year. The candidates are Lynn Ballard (R) and Wendell Rodgers (D) and the winner will take over the seat of Greenville Council District 26, the southern end of Greenville county, which is our district.

Your second chance to vote is at 6:30 pm, Thursday, June 19th. This will also be at Christ Community Church to elect three (3) residents who will be on our first resident controlled Homeowners Association Board of Directors for the remainder of this year. These three will be making decisions that will greatly affect our neighborhood in the future. The candidates are Jill Blondo (Remington), Victoria Colacino (Crossgate), Gary King (Remington), Debbie Klein (Crossgate), Bob Muller (Remington) and Ben Pettit (Remington). There may also be nominations from the floor at the meeting. The meeting should not last long since the only action item on the agenda is the election of three Board members. We must have 108 families represented to constitute a quorum, just to have the meeting. We have worked hard and long for a resident controlled HOA and your attendance is needed. Please try to be there.

Your vote does count!

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