
Many of our social events are monthly or annual. Some are planned to accommodate different age groups within our community, and some are great for everyone. To help you decide which activities are right for you, here is what these fun events are all about:

  • TGIF Parties are get-togethers for adults, typically on the last Friday of each month at 7pm. During the summer months, these are hosted on the pool deck; the rest of the year they are in the clubhouse. Guests are encouraged to bring a beverage of their choice as well as a finger food or snack to share.
  • Broadway at Remington is a showing of a Broadway stage musical on the clubhouse TV on the third Friday of every other month, starting at 7pm. After the viewing, enjoy discussing some of the finer points of musical theater with your beverage of choice.
  • Community Yard Sales are held at least twice a year to help residents get rid of outgrown and unused items. These are advertised on the internet, in the newspaper, and on signs posted at the entrances.
  • Food Drives are held twice a year to benefit local charities, usually before Easter and Thanksgiving.
  • Three family-oriented Pool Parties are hosted in the summer to celebrate the pool opening, Independence Day, and the end of Summer. The HOA provides the main dish and specifies what to bring to share.
  • For the Kids there are four annual parties:
    • Spring Easter Party with an egg hunt
    • Summer Ice Cream Party at the pool
    • Fall Festival to dress up and share crafts and treats
    • Christmas Party with Santa
  • PrimeTimers events are for our young-at-heart residents. At least one spouse per couple must be over 50 to attend fun events like the Kentucky Derby Party, Christmas Party, and others to be announced.
  • An annual Newcomers' Welcome Dinner is held for residents new to the community within the previous 12 months to help everyone get acquainted.
  • An Outdoor Christmas Decorating Competition is judged in December to award the 5 best-decorated homes with gift certificates to a local restaurant.