Sunday, May 26, 2013

2013 Pool Opening Party

Our May 25th Pool Opening Party was a festive and well-attended event. Closest guess on number of people was 160. Thanks to everyone who brought sodas and desserts; we had a great selection this year. The weather was great, although the pool water was a little chilly for those brave enough to get in.

A big thanks to Gary King, Bob & Connie Arn, and Pat & Don Miller for all their help in decorating, setting up, cooking, and cleanup. A special thanks to Bob Muller for his delicious baked beans. Without their help this would not have been possible.

Our next pool party will be held July 6th and will feature pulled pork and chicken barbecue. Details will be forth coming.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on July 6th.

Penney King
Social Committee Chair

Click here to see the photos!

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